Aug 19, 2013

Day 10 – Love is Vodka reviewed by Jaideep Khanduja.

While I am so busy celebrating my readers, I am really not getting time to write a post for my project 30 days 30 books. Therefore, I stalk all book reviewers, give them my best smile, a pleading look and a virtual hug and make them agree to contribute to the project.

Well some of them are so sweet that they promptly agree to write or share a post and make up for one day of my project.

One such contributor is Jaideep Khanduja. Today he has graciously allowed me to share his post on “Love Is Vodka by Amit Shankar”
Love is Vodka is 201 pages book published in 2013 as a fiction. It is story of moon who does not believe in the word LOVE and the world turns upside down for her when she falls in love with a CEO.

Jaideep wonderfully reviews the book under the title “Book Review: Love Is Vodka By Amit Shankar: One Is Not Enough To Find True Love Of Life

Jaideep is a Mumbai based blogger, who has multiple posts under different blogs –
His blogs are hilarious, interesting, fun, serious and really helpful. His reviews at MS are quite good and helpful.

Do drop in to check out some of his amazing writings.

Read the Day 9 post here.


  1. Thanks Sugandha for allocating some space to me on your lovely blog :-)

    1. You are welcome...and thank you for helping me to keep up with my project...


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